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Learn how to use the Styled Components package in React by building a fun, hands-on project with software developer and YouTuber Ania Kubow.
This course contains 18 interactive scrims
Why to use styled components
Setup & syntax
Styling through props
Separating components
Extending styles
Polymorphic props
Passing props
Statement-based styling
If-else statements in styled components
How to build a progress tracker
Before taking this course, you should have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. If you're not there yet, check out these free courses:
Hi My Name is Ania and I am a software Developer and YouTuber. I like to make all sorts of tutorials mainly around JavaScript Games. I also like to teach React.js and a little bit of mobile development in React-native.
Follow me on twitterThe Styled Components package is the result of wondering how to enhance your CSS for styling React component systems. So if you’re looking for a great way to style your React projects, look no further!
Why use styled components?
Styled components are helpful for many reasons. They reduce class name bugs, they make your components more readable, and they allow you to navigate your CSS more easily. They also allow for dynamic styling and automatic vendor prefixing.
What is the structure of this course? This one-hour course follows a “lesson and project” approach. You’ll learn the core concepts and complete mini-challenges to test your understanding. Then you'll put your new skills to good use with a fun and practical project.
By the end of the course, you'll have a cool progress tracker to add to your portfolio or even expand upon to show off your coding skills.
Will I need to do any setup?
Thanks to Scrimba’s handy interface, there is hardly any setup required for this course. You're ready to begin learning straight away, so let’s get started!